Niche Beauty

The Organized

Let's Organize Your Bathroom

by Kathrin Käsemann


 Sticky nail polish, dried mascara and brushes flying around. Sound familiar? Just like the closet, we should also declutter and sort out the bathroom from time to time. And not just because beauty products often have a short shelf life (and unfortunately quickly get lost in the back corners), but because minimalism and order can also have a beneficial effect psychologically. We met Nadine Meyer, founder and certified organizing coach of The Organized, a home & lifestyle organizing company that specializes in organizing, planning and installing functional yet aesthetic organizing systems for premium-segment households, for an interview.


1. How did you get your job?

I would say of myself that I am more of a "creative chaotic" than a tidying fanatic. That's precisely why I appreciate clear structures and fixed processes, because they give me security and peace in my hectic everyday life. Before founding The Organized, I was an event and project manager. Even then, I loved organizing not only events, but also the rooms, apartments & offices of friends, acquaintances and colleagues. After my 2019 training in New York with Marie Kondo to become a certified organizing coach, a part-time passion eventually turned into my full-time dream job.


2. Why do you think the hype about organizing took off in the last few years of all places?

Of course, this can have many individual reasons, because tidiness is always a need when our lives change. It could be a move, selling a house, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, a breakup, a new job, or the first apartment together. Most recently, Corona made a big mess of all of our lives and we realized how important it is to feel comfortable and safe in our own homes. Clean lines and structure help us do that and that's why organizing is so much fun.


3. There are a lot of treasures floating around in the bathroom in particular. Could you please explain to us step by step how to clean out, sort, organize your bathroom...?

With pleasure!

1. first of all, you should prepare well:

- Plan a date with yourself. Tidying up takes time and leisure. That's why it's best to mark a binding date for your bathroom organizing project in your calendar.

- It's best to organize kids & co away: How to avoid any distractions

- Have everything quickly at hand. Nothing is more annoying than not being able to continue because something is missing in the middle of the process. Make sure you have all the tools at hand, like trash bags, sorting boxes & co.

2. know your WHY! Use the power of visualization and envision with all your senses how you will feel in your new space. Ask yourself, WHAT do you see when you enter this space? And what is the first thing you will do in this space?

3. Always start by reducing! To do this, get everything out of the cabinets and first sort it roughly by categories, such as hair, body, face, nails & co. Within these categories, then look at what can go and what can stay. Questions that can help you with this would include:








5. create a simple structure. Order can be simple! Make sure you quickly stash things you use daily or weekly within easy reach and in plain sight. We are all lazy and that's why the rule is: what needs more than two handles will not be put back or used anyway. For almost every tidiness problem, there are now great organizers and tips to help. Basically, however, you can already create a very good overview with simple boxes and baskets that you clearly label with the appropriate category. The important thing here is that it works for you! 


5. Do you have to be a disciplined person to organize something and then follow through with it in everyday life?

Routines are the foundation for lasting and stress-free order. We stick to the three As:

1. which habits do I want to introduce, which ones do I want to maintain, which ones do I want to discontinue? Using the bathroom as an example, this could be:

Start: Transfer cotton pads & cotton swabs directly into nice containers so they're easier to grab (and look nicer!).

Maintain: All beauty products for your daily routine may continue to sit open on the counter because it just works well for you.

Discard: you stop storing products forever.


6. What is your favorite part of the household to organize for clients and why?

In addition to the bathroom, we also incredibly like to organize kitchens and utility rooms. Here, you can make a particularly big difference with well thought-out systems and stylish solutions, making life not only easier, but also more beautiful.


7. One imagines your home to be extremely clean and tidy, of course. Hand on heart: do you ever have chaos?

Haha. Yes, of course! Life can't always be planned or organized, and that's a good thing! I also like to leave things lying around. But I can put everything back in its place very quickly in five minutes, so I never really get lost in chaos. That wouldn't do me any good either. I need an overview to be able to sleep well.


8. What advice do you give to people who are pros at procrastinating?

Use the 2 minute rule! Anything you can do within 2 minutes, you should do right away! Don't think about it for a long time - just do it. It works wonders and can be integrated very well into everyday life. So no more excuses and: Let's get organized!




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