Niche Beauty


The holistic wellbeing brand from Los Angeles combines knowledge from Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and anthroposophy. The mission: to create a new health paradigm in which everyone has the opportunity to develop their full potential through nutrition and awareness. The company, founded by Fee Steinvorth in 2020, offers food supplements with a high vibrational frequency. These have a particularly vitalizing and balancing effect on the body. 100% organic high-vibration nutrition to transform body, mind & spirit.

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Ultimate Foundation

Nutritional supplement powder to strengthen, balance and harmonize body, mind and soul, high-vibrational formula, vegan.

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Ultimate Beauty

Nutritional supplement powder to support radiant skin and a vital appearance, formula with high vibrational frequency, vegan.

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Ultimate Foundation

Nutritional supplement powder to strengthen, balance and harmonize body, mind and soul, high-vibrational formula, vegan.

What are foods with high biofrequency?

In addition to their caloric value, all foods also have a biofrequency, their electromagnetic power (comparable to the so-called “prana” or life energy). The higher the photosynthesis through the power of sunlight, the higher the frequency and the vitality of the food. We absorb this with our food and it gives us energy and longevity.