Niche Beauty
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The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024



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To stay young and look healthy, the skin needs a wealth of nutrients. Research has shown this in recent years. A combination of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, ceramides and antioxidants is necessary to cover all needs, explains Suse Leifer, one of the two founders of Ogænics®.

The Hamburg-based premium supplement brand is the only one that offers 100% natural and vegan food supplements that are free of fillers and additives, gluten and lactose free and at the same time carry the organic seal. With this USP they have been stirring up the market since their foundation in 2016 and won several awards for their unique idea, which was born from the fact that until now there was no product that met the expectations of the two Ogænics® founders Suse Leifer and Claudia Seehusen.

With the five products in the new Beauty Capsule Collection, they set another milestone in the industry by consciously dedicating themselves to beauty from within with organic quality nutritional supplements, using only the forces of nature. These contain only rare, herbal active ingredients in concentrated, scientifically proven dosages.


The basis of their new Beauty Capsule Collection is ‘Beauty Base’ to support healthy skin, hair and nails. Biotin, zinc, vitamin C and silicon, obtained from extracts of basil, sunflower seeds, guava leaves, amla (also known as Indian gooseberry) and bamboo shoots, ensure radiant skin, beautiful hair and strong nails, protect against oxidative stress and stimulate collagen production. "Even with the healthiest diet, the body always supplies the vital organs first. Skin, hair and nails come last. Therefore it is very important to always ensure a sufficient supply of natural nutrients. Beauty Base helps to do this. But in organic quality," says Suse Leifer.

Based on this product, the line also includes four booster supplements that work against light aging, wrinkles, lack of skin moisture and for healthy hair growth. The products can either be used individually or combined with each other according to the mix & match principle. Thus, Beauty Fuel, Hairleluja, Oilalala and Timeless Skin can be used to meet your own specific needs and requirements.


The new Beauty Capsule Collection is the only certified organic, natural food supplement for beauty from within that uses only natural ingredients with scientifically proven effects. In order to guarantee the best possible combinations and results, the two work together with biochemists and other scientists who rigorously test their formulation ideas. "We only use organic raw materials in our capsules that have proven their effectiveness in clinical studies," says Claudia Seehusen, "because, despite all the naturalness, only real results count in the end.

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