Meet: Rose Marie Swift from RMS BEAUTY

„I wanted to capture this magical Glow, the one of beautiful, natural and healthy skin!"
The beauty label RMS from Charleston, South Carolina, is a real celebrity darling. This is due to founder Rose Marie Swift, whose initials give the brand its name, and who has been working as a make-up artist for over thirty years. She has not only made a multitude of prominent beauties even more beautiful, but has also influenced the typical Gisele cuff look over the years. And so it is not surprising that the basic idea behind the RMS beauty line is also the one of a very natural look: "I wanted to capture this magical Glow, the one of a beautiful, natural and healthy skin! All products that I have learned to love and appreciate through my work are therefore reproduced at RMS with purely natural bio-ingredients. Because then they make really more beautiful and are better for the skin".

Using the best raw materials is a matter close to the heart of the American, who sees herself not only as a make-up artist, but also as a healer. "The skin is a living organism. She breathes, interacts and absorbs information from everything she encounters. And it is in constant communication with the environment. Without healthy skin, we are susceptible to the effects of everything we encounter. She herself had to experience this when her blood values showed various toxic substances in an examination years ago, from which it could be concluded that she works in the beauty industry. A decisive reason to found RMS. The philosophy of the brand: purely natural ingredients such as coconut oil, mineral pigments and the complete renunciation of synthetic additives and processed raw materials. The organic ingredients, often in food quality, are deliberately not heated to a high temperature in order not to neutralise and limit their active ingredients. Enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants remain intact and thus have a double effect on the skin.