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The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024

Niche Beauty x Scarlett Gartmann

The Blogger Edit

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Scarlett Gartmann, is a successful blogger. More than 200.000 people follow her on Instagram. Here the model shares not only outfits, health and beauty tips, but also her love for horses, her child and her love for her husband and national soccer player Marco Reus. 

In our Niche Questionnaire she reveals her best beauty hack, her favourite Instagram filter and why she wouldn't be bored without Instagram.


1. Your personal philosophy of life?

I am a very balanced, calm person, which I feel to be a great strength. Challenges can be met with curiosity, optimism and composure.

2. And where is the next journey going?

Actually back to Ibiza. We have discovered our personal paradise here and are always looking forward to returning there.

3. Which product is allowed in your luggage?

My Sun Drops from Dr. Barbara Sturm, the hair oil from Playa and a good lip care should not be missing!

4 What does beauty mean to you?

I am firmly convinced that natural beauty comes from within and that nutrition plays an important role in this. I can't help myself
that I have a so-called cheat day and eat unhealthy food now and then, but since I have been eating more consciously, the
especially my skin appearance extremely improved.

5. Which Instagram filter is recommended or which foundation creates this effect in real life?

For a flawless complexion I recommend a good, light foundation such as Flawless pressed Powder from Nude by Nature. I put the highlight with the Luminizer from RMS Beauty over the cheekbone and under the back of the brows. A light application already has a big effect.

6. Who is a beauty icon?

Clearly Lorena Rae. She has a great, natural charisma and radiates from within.

7. And heroes in real life?

Ever since I became a mom myself, I have known what many mothers do every day. I take off my hat and see each and every one of them as a heroine!



8. What makes you happy?

My family, Marco and especially our little daughter, who enchants our everyday life every day anew. For this I am infinitely grateful.

9. Is there a Beautyhack that changes your life?

If I don't have a highlighter at hand, I simply use a rich cream as a substitute - it works great!

10. A Beauty No-go?

I think less is more. In my opinion, an absolute no go is to use too much make-up. For example, I emphasize either the lips or the eyes, but
never both together.

11. Which brand at NB was a real discovery?

In fact, I got to know Dr Barbara Sturm Sun drops through Niche Beauty. Some friends had already told me about it. And I have to say that I am totally enthusiastic about the products. My skin feels great afterwards, they are also easy to use, combine and absorb very quickly.

12. If you weren't an influencer, what would be a professional. Alternative? 

Surely in my job I would be dealing with horses. I could well imagine a Beireiterin.

13. Where in the world would you imagine to live?

Los Angeles is a great place, actually it was love at first sight. The feeling, the so-called vibe, is unmistakable. In this place I feel an energy that I have never experienced anywhere else.


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