Niche Beauty
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The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024

Anne Petersen

Editor SALON Magazin

by Anna Leena Manz


Anne Petersen is the woman behind "Salon", Gruner + Jahr's beautiful lifestyle magazine. Four times a year she brings a surprising potpourri of interior, hospitality, culture and lifestyle themes to the kiosk, always aesthetically photographed and wittily staged. The result is a printed gem that has long since become a collector's item. In "Salon", the journalist, who has already worked for titles such as Brigitte, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Welt am Sonntag and Der Spiegel, combines her passions for everything that enchants the senses, makes life more colorful and provides new inspiration.


1. Who are you and where does your passion for interior design come from?

A good high gloss MAGAZINE is always a total work of art. It reflects the present, is full of discoveries and looks stunning. The challenge here is the selection and combination of the various elements. This is what I actually enjoy most. Identifying good themes, introducing exciting people, presenting beautiful designs. And it works the same way with interior design.  Of course, I always see a lot, for example at trade fairs, and can only implement very little of it at home. But that's probably better. The interior design in my house is slowly changing. SALON is brand new every three months.


2. What is your favorite room and why? 

I love the work of Marie-Anne Oudejans from the Netherlands. For example the "Gem Palace". An exciting combination of outrageous "Don't try this at home" colors that make my heart beat faster every time. Similarly expressive is her "Palladio Bar", which she set up for the "Narain Niwas" Hotel.  Jaipur is known for its artisans, so Marie-Anne worked with local businesses, everything was made especially for the "Bar Palladio": Porcelain plates, wonderful wallpapers, brass lamps, the tent ceilings, etc.  


3. What is your ultimate interior tip?

Color! Life is too short for white walls!


4. What role does beauty play in your life? 

I am fascinated by how beauty can move people.  What exactly it is - music, art, nature - doesn't really matter. A great ability of us humans: to see and feel beauty.


5. Which beauty product can you not do without in your everyday life? 

I use very little make-up, for two reasons. The more I put on make-up, the older I look. And: I simply don't have enough time most of the time. Whatever works (and is usually sufficient): red lipstick! Gives the face immediate contrast and more freshness.



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