Niche Beauty
The wait is almost over...
The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024


Professional talk with the star dermatologist

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10 questions to the global player, who travels between Los Angeles, Düsseldorf and Munich, about her care tips, travel preferences and Christmas plans..

1. What do you like about autumn and winter?

"I am a mountain and snow child. I love winter, that's why I'm always looking forward to winter in autumn, when the air gets cooler and the days shorter. I think it's great when I can see snowy mountains somewhere. I love the sound of walking on snow."

 2. How does the season smell?

"Autumn spreads the great smell of wet leaves gathering on the ground. The air is then very clear and very fresh. The winter is more complex for me, it smells of cinnamon, cloves, gingerbread, open fire and woods, fir, vanilla and sauna."

3. Do you have a special care routine for the colder season?

"The skin suffers from two things in winter. One of these is the cold outside, which causes the capillaries of the skin to contract and become less well supplied with nutrients and produce less sebum. In addition, heating air dries out the skin. Care with a higher fat content is now the right thing to do. That's why in winter I switch to the richer Face Cream Rich in my daily care, the formula of which I mixed with grape seed oil and avocadin. Among them I use my hyaluronic acid serum, which helps the skin to store enough moisture and makes it resistant to winter influences. My Calming Serum helps against irritations and redness. It has a strong calming effect, visibly reduces redness and can also be applied several times a day over make-up. I even apply it to my lips in between, which helps to prevent brittle lips. In addition, my Eye Cream is an absolute must in winter to protect the sensitive skin around the eyes. Twice a week I then treat my skin to my face mask, whereby I only peel off the mask afterwards and do not wash it off with water. The skin is then deeply moisturized and as soft as baby skin.


4. Which beauty tip do you pass on to your daughters?

"It´s important to take care of your skin at an early stage, with the right lifestyle on the one hand and the right care on the other. There are only Dr. Sturm products in the bathroom. Soon also my Kids Line. But it is very important not to overprotect the delicate skin of babies and toddlers. Apart from that, my tips are: no make-up, regular milk baths, no smoking, less is more and of the few only the best, enough sleep, healthy eating.

 5. How and where do you spend Christmas?

"Preferably in the snow with the whole family. This year, however, the snow falls out at Christmas, we visit friends in the Bahamas with our family."

 6. How do you celebrate as a German in the USA?

"Thanksgiving has become part of our family tradition. And we brought the German Christmas philosophy to America, which is already celebrated on Christmas Eve, on the 24th of the evening and not on the 25th of the morning. However, the celebration continues on the 25th morning."


7.  What do you love about travelling?

"The beauty of travelling for me is that you get to know many interesting people and interesting cultures. You get inspiration and become more creative through a change of scenery. Many ideas for products come to me on my travels".

8.  And what should never be missing in your luggage?

"My MC1 cream, my hyaluronic serum, my mask, my little daughter Pepper and my husband."

9.  Beschreiben Sie sich in drei Worten.

„Love, passion, dedication."

10.  Which book is currently at the top of your reading list?

„Pippi Langstrumpf."



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