Niche Beauty
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The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024


Intimes from Denmark

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New Yorker Avonda Urban is an expert in the beauty industry. Moving to Copenhagen she became acquainted with the relaxed physicality of Scandinavian women. This led to the idea of a modern and luxurious intimate care range. The bikini zone in particular needs mild care, since the pH value here is only 4 and conventional washing substances oscillate between 9 and 11. In order to balance depilation stress and keep the skin supple, there is a whole range of soothing care products.

A new Routine = A perfect V!

Not only the brand arouses curiosity, but also the founder. A good reason to ask the chosen Danish woman about her favourite product, Must-see's in Copenhagen and what 'hygge' is for her personally:

NICHE BEAUTY: A New Yorker in Copenhagen - your first impression?

AVONDA URBAN: It's so different from NYC with its tempo. It was a pleasant change. The carefree trust of the women surprised me. It took a while to really get to know people here - it's much easier in the USA - but once you make friends, it's just wonderful and you learn a lot about the culture.

N.B.: What is the main difference to women in other countries? 

A.U.: A thing I learned in Denmark and also in Brussels when I lived there: You can't unify European women. There are so many different beauty pictures. However, I believe that European women in general are a little more relaxed and self-confident.


N.B: What were the first reactions to your idea of The PERFECT V?

A.U.: Basically everyone said that it's unlikely that this kind of product line doesn't already exist. In addition, there was only positive feedback.

N.B.: How long does it take to develop the series?

A.U.: I thought about this idea three years ago and started developing it two years ago.

N.B.: Your favorite product?

A.U.: Oh, that's hard to say. I'd say the exfoliator because there's actually no such thing on the market.

N.B.: Describe yourself in three words:

A.U.: I very much hope that I see myself how my friends and colleagues feel about me: Determined, caring and creative.


N.B: We also love the Danish HYGGE lifestyle. What is HYGGE in your life?

A.U.: Oh yes, the trend word. I know. The term is everywhere. Also in the USA. I was just in the Hamptons and was asked to explain Hygge. So for me it's what my Danish friends also say: to be with family and friends. With candles as cosy lighting, fresh food, cosy scents, a relaxed, individual interior - all this creates a feeling of satisfaction and that is HYGGE!

N.B.: Must-see on a visit to Copenhagen?

A.U.: I love the ballet - the Royal Danish Ballet in the beautiful Det Kongeligen Teater is right in Nyhavn - in the heart of the city. Where all the canals cross the city. I also love my cycle path directly by the sea with a view of Sweden, e.g. the northern Charlottenlund. This takes about 20 minutes from the city centre. A nice ride that I try to build into my day every day. It clears the mind and provides for fresh thoughts."

N.B.:  Do you miss New York?

A.U.: I love NYC and I'm there regularly to see friends, go to the theater, explore new restaurants and of course shop in my favorite stores ....

Thank you, Avonda!




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