Niche Beauty
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The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024


The Anti Aging Essentials for your hair

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We hang on to our hair for a long time. Every month they grow one to two centimetres. This makes it possible to calculate how old shoulder-length styles are. Studies have shown that shiny hair has a clearly rejuvenating effect because it is reminiscent of untreated children's hair. A good reason to systematically track down the shine as an anti-aging trick.

Hair, as soon as it has grown out of the scalp, is perfect in its development and consists of pure keratin. These give you a lot, but don't forget over-exhausting treatments such as heat styling, teasing, colour excesses or sun saltwater enjoyment. This makes them dull, brittle and thin. This also applies to unbalanced nutrition phases over a longer period of time


 Who would like to do his hair good should therefore start with the diet, e.g. Mrs One-A-Day Multivitamin Complex from OEGANICS. The result will take some time, because it only affects the regrowing hair. Therefore it is worthwhile to strengthen them from the ground up. The hair grows back optimized simply more densely and faster and is less susceptible.

A balanced scalp helps to strengthen the hair roots and also to optimize the length of life of a single hair. This can be supported purely externally with suitable care substances. And no fear of oils, e.g. Back Into The Roots by GROW GORGEOUS! These do not provide a disturbing film on the skin, but are so-called dry oils, which are small molecular by nature and penetrate perfectly into the skin.

Shampoo and conditioner can help regenerate and refresh every wash. They are able to enrich the hair with structure-strengthening substances and thus make it more hard-wearing.

Since active ingredients are always contained in the product lines in a coordinated way - and usually significantly more in the conditioner - it is best to use the double pack for care.


Selected styling products provide an additional and superficial Photoshop effect every day. These products cover the hair with shine and look like an instant fountain.

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