Niche Beauty
The wait is almost over...
The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024



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Facialist Amanda Lacey has been the undisputed number one in London for years. To get into the luxury of her expertise, you can either make an appointment in your facial studio or incorporate her skin care products into your routine. A good reason to ask you how long you actually have to wait for an appointment with her, which care routine she uses and who is a beauty icon?

Amanda, you have been appreciated as a facialist by editors, celebrities and influencers for over 20 years: What is a typical Amanda Lacey Signature experience?

All customers get a holistic and complete Amanda Lacey treatment in my 'Facial Atelier'. It is a very sensual experience. And apart from the facial, I want to share my skin care knowledge with my clients and really understand and find the cause of their skin dissatisfaction.

What is your beauty philosophy?

My personal beauty philosophy is to balance, to take care of yourself. You can't achieve anything if you live an unhealthy life!

How long is the waiting list for a treatment with you?

I have a lot of wealthy clients on speed dial - the waiting list is usually about two months. However, my doors are always open and I try to make everything possible when I can.



What should be changed in the spring care routine?

A moisturizing cream with LSF is always a good idea for spring, summer.

Environmental stress for the skin is a big issue. London is a metropolis and naturally promotes this problem. And what do you recommend as protection and compensation?

In London we live with very hard water. It is therefore alkaline, which causes the skin to dry itself. But every city has its own environmental factors that affect the skin. My advice: Ideally you should train or walk in the morning when air pollution is low. In addition, always clean and moisturize well in the evening - because regeneration happens at night when we sleep.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Passionate, bubbly, perfectionist.

Are you a lark or a night owl?

I am an early bird. The first light in the morning is a quiet time to work, and I can set up in my facial studio for the day.

What are your personal care habits?

I have a sensitive skin, so I keep it simple and do not overload my skin with products. I clean my face in the morning with a damp cotton cloth. Then prepare my skin with a light emulsion, wait 30 minutes and then apply a sun protection factor.

In the evening I use my cleansing pomade and then apply a few drops of my Provencal oil.

Which beauty tip has influenced you?

As children we went on holiday in the South of France. My mother always started eating pieces of orange 6 weeks, she thought, it helped her to prepare her skin for the sun. That's why I love vitamin C.


How do you relax?

Best on my farm in Kent, the so-called "Garden of England".

You always travel with your own pillow. What is the reason?

Yes, that's right! I always travel with my own goose down pillow and ferretti cotton cover. I do this because I sleep better with my own pillow and sleep is an essential part of skin care regimes.

Do you have an anti-aging tip?

Always wear a sun protection factor and stay out of the midday sun.

Who is a beauty icon for you?

Estee Lauder. She embraced women's beauty from inside and outside and said: "Every woman can be beautiful ...".

Her skin care has also supported filmcasts like James Bond, Ocean Eleven or Benjamin Button - how did that happen?

Many years ago I was approached by a makeup artist from Hollywood and she asked for some skin care products for the film set. Both she and the cast fell in love with my products and have been using them ever since, especially the Cleansing Pomade, which is great for removing any make-up. It gently melts into the skin and removes all traces of make-up and impurities.

If you had a wish, would you have a wish?

... I wish I could disappear in a cloud of smoke from time to time!


Thank you Amanda Lacey!


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