Niche Beauty
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The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024



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PictureStress is a trigger for many physical complaints. But it also makes itself felt and above all visible on the skin. This is exactly where the new B3 Adaptive SuperFoods line from the world-renowned dermatologist comes in.
Dr. Dennis Gross, you say that stress is as old as mankind. How has stress changed over the course of evolution? We humans have always had to deal with stressful situations. The difference to today is that stress has become a permanent condition for many. It is up to us to find a balance and the time to reduce stress. 
What does stress do to our body? Stress can be felt everywhere in our body. When our ancestors found themselves in a stressful situation, for example when they were attacked by a sabre-toothed tiger, they either had to fight or flee - that's exactly why they needed more blood in their organs. Today it is exactly the same. In stressful situations our vital organs are supplied first. So if we are stressed over a longer period of time, the blood circulation of the skin suffers as a result. We then tend to look pale, the texture of the skin becomes uneven and premature signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles become visible.
What ingredients are in your new line? Superfoods! Avocado, ginger, goji berries and many other ingredients that we already know help our bodies get or stay healthy - they do the same great things to our skin. Through my unique way of combining them with niacinamide (vitamin B3), which is vital to our body, we are able to deliver a very potent amount of superfood directly to the skin, effectively and quickly combating the signs of stress on and in our skin.
Can the line be called a skin supplement? For many people, dietary supplements are part of their daily routine. With my new proprietary technique of encapsulating superfoods and adaptogens and bringing them directly to where they are needed - to our skin and its deeper layers - we can help much more quickly and effectively.
Editor's note: Adaptogens are botanicals that help to better process stress.
How did you come up with this solution? I spend most of my time working on new solutions to make skin care more effective. I have lived and practiced in New York all my life and I see so many stressed people. Even young people come to my practice and show signs of premature aging and stress-related acne that we can treat with our new products. In my laboratory I was able to develop a new way of encapsulating active ingredients and adaptogens.
How long do I have to wait until a positive effect becomes visible? Already after a single application you will see the first changes in the texture and overall appearance of your skin. After two to four weeks you will see fundamental changes, especially a reduction in stress-related signs of aging.

Thank you. 

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