Niche Beauty
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The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024

Why you need it: RETINOL

Nothing works like Retinol

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Dermatologists and beauty experts agree on one point: Anti-aging = vitamin A. It is the most effective skin care substance that naturally occurs in the skin and has long left behind the prejudice of being particularly attractive.

Not every anti-aging care product automatically contains vitamin A as an ingredient. Because in contrast to many other nutrients vitamin A is a kind of active substance municipality from very many connections, like Retinal, Retinol or retinoic acid or also the Provitamin A from Beta Carotin. Without the vitamin it does not go. It is a must. Which is primarily absorbed through food. The provitamin is automatically metabolized in the body to retinol. And is therefore as care active substance directly in the crucible. There it plays a major role in the structure of the skin and is the energy booster for the fibroblasts, the key cells of the complexion. These stimulate the collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid needed to make the skin look younger, brighter and more even.

Vitamin A products are not only for older skin. Even a young skin can visibly benefit to regulate problem skin and balance acne and scars. There is guaranteed to be something suitable for every skin type. It makes sense to use the innovations of the industry. Compatibility, availability and the right dosage are constantly adapted and revised.


To be sure that the care is well tolerated, dermatologists recommend that the skin should be slowly accustomed to the formulation. With a small amount, start 2-3 per week and increase. By the way, this active ingredient always has a night shift! Because it is light-shy and the skin regenerates and renews itself anyway in sleep.

An indispensable team player for vitamin A is UV protection! Because even if retinol reduces hyperpigmentation and protects against new appearances, the skin needs daily UV protection as a bodyguard. Otherwise, everything that the anti-aging agent causes is quickly turned into unwanted niece.

















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